Gardner's World

A COUNTRY credited with being the world’s chief sponsor of terror, and which has consistently called for the destruction of Israel, has been given the go-ahead to generate nuclear energy following an international agreement, sparking fears of a global threat to peace.

This July six world powers – the USA, France, UK, China, Russia and Germany – finally concluded negotiations with Iran begun nine years ago. Iran must now allow UN inspectors widespread, but not automatic, access to nuclear sites as part of the deal.

Their Foreign Minister, Mohammed Javad Zarif, called the move ‘historic’ but Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu was it was a ‘shocking, historic mistake’ allowing Iran to continue its aggressive expansion unhindered. His words were almost the same as those of the Saudis, who see Iran as their rival for Middle East influence.

Both US Congress members (who gave Israeli PM a standing ovation when he warned of Iran on a specially invited visit which President Obama snubbed) and Christian leaders have also been horrified at the apparent caving-in by the Western powers. United with Israel said that the US and Western powers were crossing all the ‘red lines’ to secure a deal.


Calling the Iran nuclear deal a “tragic betrayal” of Israel, Dr Mike Evans who heads the Jerusalem Prayer Team, revealed that not only will Iran say what sites may be inspected – and certainly not any military sites – but that there must be at least three weeks’ advance notice of inspections and that no American inspectors may visit.

A further huge concession to the Iranian government by the West is that the West will teach Iran how to block nuclear sabotage. It is an open secret that Israel has done as much as she could to hold back the Iranian nuclear programme through cyber and actual espionage. But according to Barry Segal of Vision for Israel, the Israeli channel Arutz-7 reported that as well as establishing a Nuclear Safety Centre in Iran to train the Iranians how to handle nuclear power safely, the P5+1 powers will also train Iran to thwart sabotage against its nuclear facilities.

US President Barack Obama, however, has insisted that “every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off” for Iran.

European Union Foreign Affairs spokesman Federica Mogherini called the nuclear deal “a sign of hope for the entire world”.

Pastor John Hagee, leader of one of the US’s largest churches in Texas, declared, “The immediate threat to Israel and Arabs who are not allied to Iran is that this deal will provide Iran with a windfall of over 100 billion dollars, which will bolster Hezbollah, Hamas and President Assad of Syria.Make no mistake about it, Israelis and Arabs will pay for this deal with their lives.”

In Britain Luke Akehurst of We Believe in Israel urged Christians to write to their MPs to point out that six minimum requirements for a serious deal have not been met, including anytime/anywhere inspections, phased sanctions relief, and full disclosure of Iran’s past nuclear activities.

Now there is a fear that President Obama will by-pass Congress and, to secure his ‘legacy’ will take the deal direct to their UN for their approval.


Charles Gardner is a 66-year-old South African-born journalist of 40 years’ standing living in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Married to Linda, 58, who teaches Christianity and Judaism in Doncaster’s primary schools, he has four children and eight grandchildren. His latest book, ‘Peace in Jerusalem’, is now available from and