• Former American presidential candidate Ted Cruz was the “strongest supporter of Israel on Capitol Hill”, according to his pastor father Rafael. Speaking in support of his Republican Senator son, he said the nation’s constitution was founded on the Torah and that “Israel is the only country in the world with a title deed from the Almighty!” (JNN, Arutz-7)

  • The Ukraine Parliament has overwhelmingly approved the country’s first-ever Jewish Prime Minister, Volodymr Groysman, aged just 38.
  • And it has emerged that one of the Brussels airport bombers had planned to attack a flight to Tel Aviv.

Other recent articles by Charles Gardner include the following:

  • The miracle of Passover
  • Purim’s Passover lamb!
  • Churches under a curse?

A series of his articles also appear in the Israel Q & A section of www.prophecytoday.uk

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen (Amazon) and Peace in Jerusalem, available from olivepresspublisher.com

JNN = Jerusalem News Network, compiled by Barry Segal