Jackie Pullinger, Arun Christian Fellowship, 29 July

EVEN AT SHORT NOTICE, Jackie Pullinger was able to pack out the Littlehampton Academy’s hall.  Around  600 people came to hear the woman who went to Hong Kong in 1966 and helped drug addicts get set free through the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Through a personal contact, Jackie had agreed to fit in one last meeting before she and her team flew back to Hong Kong next day.

Although tired, Jackie spoke for nearly two hours.  Ann Terry, one of the audience, said, “She really was one of the best speakers I’d ever heard, with exciting stories of what’s been happening all over the world.”

Jackie’s particular theme was persisting in your call.  “Each of us has a race to run. You can’t run my race, but you do need to run yours.  As well as praying, you need to be willing to be the answer – and go!” she told her audience.

Arun’s administrator, Flix Gillett, reports, “It was wonderful to host so many people from so many different churches!  And  an offering was taken up of £2,500 for the work of her organisation, St Stephen’s Society.”