Kent churchgoers have been rushing to buy tickets for evangelist J John’s stadium outreach this summer.

Evangelist J John will preach to thousands again this summer
Evangelist J John will preach to thousands again this summer

Partner churches bought 1,500 seats in the first three weeks of March, with pastors reserving whole blocks of seats.

Over 163 partner churches, organisations and individuals had signed up to the JustOne
initiative at the Priestfield Stadium as we went to press. More are joining all the time, according to event chairman Pastor Peter Marchand, who heads an organising committee of 12, representing six churches and two organisations.

Peter Marchand said: “We are hugely encouraged to see ministers mobilising whole flocks to invite ‘just one’ guest.”

Church Relations Officer Pastor David Hadlum of Chatham Evangelical Church and a small team of volunteers had phoned and emailed churches across north Kent for six months before and after the packed launch at Chatham’s Kingsway International Christian Centre last November (as reported in HEART’s Dec/Jan issue).

The Priestfield stadium holds 11,000 people and the event follows the success of the JustOne outreach at the Emirates stadium last summer, which saw over 20,000 gather to hear J John preach the Gospel, with thousands responding to the call to commit their lives to Christ.