All over this nation churches are believing for salvation for the people of this nation.
Though let us be honest, it is not working!
Jesus told Nathaniel in John 1:51: “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”
The Bible states there are three heavens:
1) The heaven we can see
2) Satan’s rule
3) Highest heaven where God resides
Seeing that our prayers have to go through the demonic heaven, obviously they will all get aborted by Satan if we are in rebellion. Daniel 10 explains this.
Read 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. Many denominations have a male leader with his head covered, yet Scripture tells us they are dishonouring Christ – look at their ‘fruit’.
A lady needs God’s protection
There are two systems working:
1) System of grace
2) System of government
Most only understand the system of grace.
King David sinned; afterwards he received forgiveness – that is grace. The Lord told him that the sword would never leave his house, he would lose his wives and the child would die – that is government.
God’s grace can never override his government.
The practice of head covering is to do with God’s government. Are the churches under God or not?
Read 1 Corinthians 11:10: “For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.” (NKJV)
Part of Isaiah 4:5-6 (KJV) says: “For upon all the glory shall be a defence.”
Upon all the glory (a woman’s hair) shall be a defence. A lady needs God’s protection.
When a lady prays with her hair covered, she is making a statement to the good angels that she is willing to submit to God’s governmental rule.
Satan is watching! Satan originally was the angel covering the glory of God as stated in Ezekiel 28:14 and16 so he knows the importance of it.

Objections to the principle of head covering:
1) I do not need to do it – God sees my heart
Then obey his Word!
2) This was only for the Corinthian Church.
3) My hair is my covering.
Read 1 Corinthians 11:6, men
4) My prayers get answered already.
Miracles happen in the Spiritualist ‘Church’.
5) It is old-fashioned.
So are salvation, baptism and sin.
6) It is only a symbol.
Baptism and Communion are symbols?
Whenever nationwide prayer is called, the leaders quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 but they never tell the people how to fulfil it.
The Church needs to get serious with God.
Pastor David Measures
Coalville, Leicestershire
Pastor David Measures is an international speaker and leader of The YTF Church (Yesterday Today and Forever) in Leicestershire, England. He and his wife teach on deliverance and the Lord has used him in healing in Britain and overseas.
The full article can be found at and
Prophecies alert
I’m seriously concerned about what I perceive to be an over-emphasis on prophetic messages in HEART, and in an apparently growing number of churches.
They surely need to be tested before appearing in print. The record of charismatic prophecies in recent decades – particularly concerning revival – is hardly commendable, as R T Kendall suggests in his new book.
I am proud to be a card-carrying charismatic myself, sold on the absolute necessity of the baptism in the Spirit for fruitful evangelism.
Promoting the building of storehouses is an example of how things can go wrong
But prophecies must be thoroughly grounded in Scripture. The gifts of the Spirit are for the edification of the Church, but they must always be in submission to the Bible’s authority.
The growing trend of promoting the building of storehouses to see us through predicted lean times ahead is an example of how things can go wrong. On balance, this is not supported by Scripture.
I know there is talk of a Joseph generation called to prepare for famine by stocking food, though the emphasis seems to be on looking after ourselves. When I first read these articles, we were on the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles, foreshadowing the last days and the coming of our Saviour; essentially a celebration of God’s presence and provision for the ancient Israelites where they learnt to feed on daily manna. In the wilderness, the bread of heaven came down each day, and it was only with the Sabbath in mind that they were to collect enough ‘groceries’ for two days.
Jesus clearly taught us to pray: “Give us today our daily bread…”
He wanted us to learn to trust him for each day – “One day at a time, Lord Jesus”, as the song goes. Persecution and hardship are no doubt on their way, but the call to discipleship is unchanged.
Faith alone, in Christ alone, must still be our watchword.
Charles Gardner
Doncaster, S Yorkshire