Youthful celebrations at the Southwark church where knives are left at the altar

Youthful celebrations at the Southwark church where knives are left at the altar

It’s not every church that has an offering of drugs and knives, but at Spac Nation Ministries ex-gang members regularly hand over their weapons.

The BBC reports that this dynamic south London church is saving so many people from a life of crime that knife amnesties are a frequent part of the services. The church is filled with former armed robbers, drug dealers and gang members – 55 per cent of the congregation have previously been involved in crime.

Lead pastor Tobi Adegboyega currently has 14 ex-criminals living in his house, and preaches in ripped jeans. He says, “I understand our approach is different from a traditional church. I’ve got to look like them [the congregation]. I’ve got to connect with them.”

“If knives and guns take human lives, it is the role of the church to save lives,” adds Tobi.