A CHURCH PASTOR in northern Laos has been stabbed to death for refusing to stop preaching Christ.

Pastor Singkeaw Wongkongpheng was allegedly killed by a prison official from Pha-Oh Prison at his home in Na-ang village, Chomphet District, Luang Prabang province on September 8.

Four other men waited outside as the prison guard entered the home at 10pm and grabbbed the pastor’s wife. The pastor intervened, asking if they wanted money.

The prison official is reported to have replied he worked for the secret police and he had come to kill the pastor. Pastor Singkeaw was then stabbed three times in the neck. Manh, the pastor’s son, arrived and chased the prison guard, injuring him as he fled the scene.

Pastor Singkeaw died and leaves his wife, four boys and two girls.

Chris Eyte