Are we in the last chance saloon?

Is God mercifully allowing Satan’s vile virus to act as a megaphone, crying out the world, “Repent!”?

Otherwise, why would a loving God suddenly allow everyone on the planet to face their own mortality? Could it be he knows that they are more likely to hear his gentle knock on the door of their heart and his still, small voice calling their name when distressed? Not only that, but many are alone now, bereft of those who love them the most.

The assurance that eternity will, undeservedly, be spent with him

The Bible tells us that God looks only on each heart and its motives. God does not look at man’s behaviour or derogatory human label.  He simply longs to be IN every heart so it can overcome death as he did and thereby receive his peace that “surpasses all understanding”, together with the assurance that eternity will, undeservedly, be spent with him.

The Cross was for EVERY unique, beloved, seeking person; God loves each of us equally, unconditionally and eternally.

The thief crucified next to Jesus only had to call out, “Remember me!” to be told, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

Mary Clements

Malmesbury, Wiltshire