A group of Christian leaders met recently at St George’s Church Worthing to listen to video-cast advice from two leaders of US megachurches and from Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State.

Andy Stanley, who leads a church with widespread campuses attended by 32,000 for worship each week, says that he found it vital to take a very difficult decision to ensure he gave as much time as needed to be with and love his wife and family (Eph. 5:25), whilst allowing God to build his church as he said he would (Matt 16:18) – and as he has done!   Andy says, ‘that was the best leadership decision I have ever made’!

Wayne Cordeiro, in Hawaii, having suffered a serious breakdown due to getting too drained from his ministry, building and leading a church community of 11,000 in Honolulu, urged leaders to “ensure you know what fills your –  and your wives –  ‘tank’ and what drains it!”   He now does more of what he enjoys personally – boating, motorcycling and reading – and finds now, after a full recovery, that he copes much better with the stresses and strains of a busy leadership.

As a former US military commander, Colin Powell spends much time in his retirement talking to leaders and students (potential future leaders), helping them to understand that successful leaders must always be confident and never be seen to be weak in the face of problems and setbacks:”Leaders must always be optimistic, however bad the situation, things will get better – which may, or may not happen but that is the attitude a good leader should have to those he leads!”

The meeting also explored some of the local needs and opportunities for raising a positive public profile of what Christians are doing in the area, in these challenging times for all of us.

Mike Tyler