
Nov 29, 2017

Deadline for the February/March 2018 letters: 8 January 2017

Email: letters@heartpublications.co.uk

Ilford ‘revival’

What is being experienced in the Ilford church is not revival but the joy of salvation (Oct/Nov National news section).

Revival is only necessary for those who have lost the freshness of God’s life. Revelation 2 and 3 describes churches that were new shoots and full of new life but had become dead wood with just memories of past glory. Those who follow a faded version of Christ cannot be revived. They must be cut down to the roots before they can be regenerated.

“Oh, that my people would listen to me and seek my ways!” (Psalm 81:13)

Revival must start with mourning and crying for mercy, and then the risen Christ will come to his temple with healing in his wings (Malachi 4, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 23).

Peter Franklin

Barnham, West Sussex

The monk who shook the world

We celebrate the Reformation at its 500-year anniversary and are inspired by the monk who shook the world! In the midst of the corruption in both Church and state Martin Luther spoke out with the voice of authority because he knew his God!

God is looking for Martin Luthers today – men and women with the vision, faith and courage to speak out with the voice of truth that will set people free! Jesus said: “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.” (Matthew 18:19) It all begins at the place of prayer, where we hear the still, small voice of calm telling us what to do and say!

All over the world good “men” and true are rising up challenging the Establishment, confronting the politically correct with the ultimate authority of God’s inspired and infallible Word.

When we are at our worst, God is at his best.

Andrew Heymer

Tadworth, Surrey

Queen “in danger”

Your article, ‘Palaces say “no”’ (Aug/Sept 2017), says if the Queen refused to sign into law the ‘freedoms’ voted for by her government this would have brought a constitutional crisis. Why should this be a bad thing as implied?

Does the Queen answer to man or to God? She has signed numerous laws contrary to God’s commands.

Mark 8:36 says: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” The Queen is in great danger unless she repents of what she has done.

Melville Wilson

Slindon, West Sussex

Don’t encourage homophobia

Both the articles on page 1 and 3 of your Oct/Nov issue seem to be taking exception to people who are LGBT and appear close to encouraging discrimination. I am concerned about the over-emphasis on sex and sexuality by some Christians; people who are homophobic could take a lot of comfort from the views expressed here. LGBT people have been among those affected by the recent increase in hate crime.

Alan Brockwell

Dartford, Kent

Join up the prayer dots!

I’ve worked in homelessness and food poverty for almost 14 years now and have seen that the huge need for community transformation can only come about through prayer.

Yes, there are already believers praying in my area, Sussex, but when praying about it I had the impression of a football ground at night. Pockets of pilot lights were in clusters, but not joined up. It was noticeable that the floodlight was not on, which I sense represented the dunamis power of God.

I believe the Lord wants his people to move in greater spiritual authority to see his Kingdom purposes fulfilled in the Sussex area.

Please contact me if this is of interest: 07973 622885 or sarahider@ymail.

 Sara Hider 

Brighton, East Sussex