Middle class put off by front page?


YOUR LETTER enclosed in the June/July issue states that there was not enough room to publish all the features you wanted to in the last issue month’s edition, then it goes on to ask for a donation.  But the front page carries no article at all, simply boxes telling us what is inside the paper.  Is this not a waste of a prime page?

Secondly, I think the size of the print for the heading, “From witchcraft to faith,” is way above what is needed.  For me, the larger the print the louder it shouts and this one screams at me, probably because there is nothing after it. This is one reason why I have never bought papers such as the Mirror or the Sun, simply because the headlines shout at me (there are other reasons).

It reminds me of Arthur Scargill, who always used to shout his miners’ message to the Government  – and look what happened to him.

I think such front page headlines put off middle class Christians who live in Sussex from picking up a copy and reading any further, which is a shame since what is inside is worth reading.  As an ex-teacher I was taught that when a speaker or preacher raises his voice and shouts his message (sometimes with a hand thump), then it is usually because his argument is weak and it won’t hold water.

John Mummery



WELL DONE on another great and fulfilling issue.  And thanks for giving my article and picture a nice big space.

However, there is a feeling around that the headline on the front page is veering towards a bit of a tabloid approach, ie this month’s witchcraft; last time the Queen and the time before on same sex marriage.  All laudable subjects,  of course, but may be to appeal to the ordinary reader, the size of the ‘banner’ need not be so “in your face”.

Hope this comment helps you for future issues.

Gerald Gresham Cooke



Tragic decline

WITH SO MANY of our institutions as well as our elected politicians now being publicly discredited, it seems increasingly clear that something is fundamentally flawed in our society.

Could this be due to our incipient culture of financial greed and the progressive denigration of the Christian faith, moral principles and work ethic, on which our society was based for so many years?

If so we seem to be travelling a path towards a very dark future.  Perhaps a revival of Christianity might now be our only hope for reversing our tragic socio-economic decline as a nation.

Mike Tyler


Are YOU a typical reader?  How have the papers been going in your church?  Are there any left by the time you get there?  Write to letters@heartof.org.uk


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