Action on abortion

Thank you for your article on page 4 in the June/July issue of your wonderful Heart of Sussex newspaper.

I am working to raise awareness of the plight of abortion for our land, the mothers and the 804 innocent lives brutally killed every working day in the UK.

Working on my own initiative but also volunteering for  SPUC, Forty days for life and Abort67, I sadly see the same faces in the battle.

With your circulation of 400 churches in Sussex, just suppose each church sent only one person, for one hour, every week, to do as God asks in Proverbs 24 v 11.

What a difference it would make if we were covering the abortion clinics in Sussex. Brighton, Hastings and Chichester. We could have four people having a godly presence outside these clinics every opening hour, praying, loving, educating and rescuing.

“Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.” (Proverbs 24:11)

Drastic times call for drastic measures, I do applaud Abort67’s determined life-saving efforts and their desire to see the Church fulfil her God- given mandate.

Nikki Addley



Shocking crucifixion picture


I picked up a copy of the journal whilst visiting a church down your way during a short vacation.

Alas, the large photo on page 3 is of a pretty realistic crucifixion. It is a half page, with a crown of thorns and blood running from multiple open wounds… In colour, with the victim being prodded by Roman militia acting as psychopathic thugs.

I think is a tad overt and unnecessary, perhaps an attempt to shock or intimidate believers or non-believers into what? Does anyone actually know what it is like to experience such despicable torture and survive? Surely they should be consulted first as to if/when/where such, indeed amateur depictions, should be given exposure.

I am in the process of convincing our own church representatives that the Easter choral poster caused me personally equal unease….although yours was an in-house publication, whilst ours was exposed in the street more openly to the general public….and was observed before 9pm to boot!

We’re getting enough scenes of violence on the hour, every hour on the news these days.


Tim Hopper

Faversham, Kent

Encouragement in Middle East turmoil


Whilst praying for the situation in the Middle East and for persecuted brothersand sisters, the Lord spoke the following words to my heart and, I believe, told me to send it to the pastors and leaders I know as well as to HEART.

To my royal priesthood: Lift up your heads and rejoice. Shout aloud and joyfully sing a new song to the God of your creation. Praise and rejoice; your Holy King rejoices over you with singing.

“Do not fear – do not be afraid. Show my children my yoke is easy and my burden light. Recognise the sign of the times. Shout for joy.

“Do not be anxious when you hear of wars and rumours of wars.

Be not troubled. Many of my children are fearful. Comfort them and call on them to praise, rejoice, shout, sing and worship. Do not be afraid. I am near.”


Theodora Verner



Sin of the single mother


WHEN MR COOKE wrote about being pleased that a single mother had admitted it was a sin, maybe it was not meant as back handed condemnation but Christians need to have greater understanding of the Bible. There are no small or large sins – we have all fallen short of God’s standard.


Bob Boys

Received via email 23.6.14


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Shine group – correction


COULD YOU CORRECT an error in the article on the “Shine” group in Worthing, one of the 200 Prospects groups for people with learning disabilities in the UK.

The Haywards Heath Prospects group at Christ Church shows me as the leader which is incorrect – Simon Howard is one of the leaders:

The other local Prospects group is the one I lead at All Saints Church, Lindfield. Called Tiger Club, it meets every second Monday in the month (except August) in the Tiger Lounge, Lindfield High Street, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Visitors are welcome.


Jim Stone

Prospects leader –
All Saints Church, Lindfield or mob: 07867008544

Smart move: books to Africa

IT’S SO WONDERFUL when the body of Christ works together. Our thanks to the HEART OF SUSSEX newspaper for all the articles and stories it prints.

Since the article about our stocking libraries in Africa appeared in HEART, it’s been wonderful to receive more Christian books, Bibles and other Christian resources to give to Christians in Uganda and other East African nations.

Last month (July), two Christians from Newhaven came to Hastings and brought some more Christian resources for the next shipment to Uganda.  And at the Newhaven meeting with David Hathaway advertised in HEART, I met a friend who gave me over 100 New Testaments for Uganda.

When God’s people work together, there the Lord commands his blessing – Psalm 133:3.

Richard Smart

St Leonards on Sea