A ‘hotline’ to God

IN YOUR LAST ISSUE Rosemary C Biggs doubted the headline ‘Back from the brink’ over the Scottish referendum result and whether the leaders you quoted had a ‘hotline’ to God.

It seems this sister is not acquainted with the gifts of the Spirit which may well inform the body of Christ about what to pray for. Some of the prophets and intercessors work hard to find out what the Scriptures and the Spirit are saying in all these important national matters. It comes as a surprise to some what an enormous amount our Father has to say about the nations.

Frances M Berrill



Facing up to bad news

One is distressed not only by the grim news of Christian children being chopped in half by IS savages, but by the refusal of some to believe that Canon White is speaking the truth about it (p7, Dec 14/Jan 15).

We have sometimes to face up to very bad news.  It disturbs our apathy, complacency, indifference, and spoils our satisfaction in the blessings we enjoy in the UK.  These were won by those who stood up courageously for biblical truth in past centuries.  Now it is our turn to do this.

We surely have to learn to trust Jesus and his power to give us courage and determination as we follow him in this rapidly changing world.

Ann Whitaker

Bodmin, Cornwall


UKIP isn’t only political party

Other readers too may be mystified by HEART’s repeated reports mentioning UKIP and a UKIP candidate.

This is the only political party that gains attention. It is always uncritical.

Jesus treated people the same. He told favourable stories about the disregarded. Too many Ukippers do not.

Leaving aside the Yuck elements of that political grouping and overlooking the detailed BBC Panorama programme on its leader, could the editor either include others or exclude UKIP please?

Sir Peter Bottomley
MP for Worthing West
Parliamentary Warden for

St Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey
Former trustee of Christian Aid
Former chairman of the Church of England Children’s Society

Not very disgusted

Do send in your reactions, good and bad, to this paper. And if your church doesn’t take HEART or has a negative reaction to an article, please share your views with our readers so we can open up the debate!

Send your letters to letters@heartof.org.uk


In the Dec/Jan p20 report on Mr Simon Barrett’s visit to Shoreham Free Church. It was not Shoreham Free Church who hosted the meeting, but Grafted In One New Man In Yeshua who hired the church.

Michael and Yvonne Brown
Grafted In One New Man In Yeshua