The Tory party at prayer

The last two issues of your publication have included prospective MPs the Rev Clive Hickman and Caroline Ansell (my wife!), and prospective MEP Donna Edmunds, all of whom are Christians who have entered the murky world of politics – and quite right too!

In this world of increasing secularisation, and with significant ethical issues around birth, marriage and death raising their head, it is important to have Christians in the heart of decision making, both at Westminster and in the town halls around the country.

The fact that politicians have a poor reputation with the general public (a recent MORI poll showed the public trust politicians to tell the truth less than estate agents, bankers and journalists) should not deter Christians from entering politics. Indeed, Jesus did not avoid areas in his society which had a less than wholesome reputation.

With this in mind, I would like to highlight the work of the Conservative Christian Fellowship (CCF) whose mission is three fold: empower and equip Christians to enter public life through their Impact Course; bridge the gap between the Christian world and Conservatives; and to be ‘salt and light’ in British politics.

The CCF hold regular prayer meetings such as the monthly ‘Prayers for the Nation’ in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft (Westminster). You can really feel the presence of God in this amazing chapel, where Salisbury and Wilberforce worshipped. There are also local branches of the CCF. I co-ordinate the Eastbourne branch and we meet for prayer quarterly. If you would like more information about the CCF please visit:

Other parties have parallel groups. However, If you are interested but do not have any affiliation to a political party, then can I recommend that you look at the website: This has some very good articles and recently included a fine piece on the new Secretary for Education, Nicky Morgan who, like Caroline Ansell and Clive Hickman, has made her strong faith public.

Nick Ansell



Thanks, Mr Osborne!

No, not the Chancellor of the Exchequer, but a nearly anonymous donor! We’d like to thank a Mr Osborne who made a donation via our bank account. We could not thank him personally as we don’t have his details.

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Melanie Symonds


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