Paganism in the Church

Mike Fryer’s talk exposed just the tip of the ‘iceberg’ but his solution is part of the problem.

Jude warned that self-important men would draw people to themselves and away from Christ with a gospel that is lifeless.

The good news of salvation through identification with or baptism into Jesus’ death (Acts 2:38) has been replaced with Satan’s gospel:  “Ignore what God has said.  Do what you think is good and you will not die but become an immortal” (Genesis 3:1-6).

Peter Franklin

Barnham, West Sussex

For years I been sharing this message –  how Christmas and Easter are no different than Halloween. As born again Christians we should not defile ourselves but this is very hard to get It through to the brothers and sisters –  may God open our eyes and ears and understanding. I was born a gypsy but am now a born again believer in our Lord Jesus Christ  for 23years come to the lord through reading a Gideons Bible I was found by truth and I want truth amenThank God for brothers and sisters who in love expose this pagan practice that is so rooted in the Church

Butler Lee

Ashford, Kent

Howard Stern’s report on the seminar Paganism in the Church (Aug-Sept) left me perturbed. Since when do followers of the Lord Jesus Christ make themselves unclean by touching a dead person? It does not matter whether you have dead bodies buried under your feet in a church, but it does matter whether the pews are populated by dead people; it does not matter when we celebrate Christmas, Easter, or even the weekly day of worship, but whether and how we do celebrate it. And yes, the Lord will return for a holy, pure and undefiled bride, but it is he who has made us holy, and not we ourselves, or worse, we each other.

Yes, we need to encourage each other to live lives that please the Lord, by submitting to him in every area of our lives. The Law is “holy and just and good”, but the teachings of the Torah need to be viewed through the cross, as Peter experienced when God told him not to call unclean (even when he only followed the Torah) what he declared clean. The Apostle Paul taught in a number of places that “we are dead to the Law by the body of Christ.”

Michael Fenske

Leigh on Sea, Essex

Email letters to by the end of October for the Christmas and New Year issue