POLITICIANS AND CHRISTIANS came together to ensure the Christian voice is heard in Eastbourne at a special “Question Time” style event.

"We're listening!" Rev Vic Lawrence (St John’s Church ministry team), Colin Bloom, director of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, prospective MP Caroline Ansell and local community advisor Sandy Medway
“We’re listening!” Rev Vic Lawrence (St John’s Church ministry team), Colin Bloom, director of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, prospective MP Caroline Ansell and local community advisor Sandy Medway

It was part of the Conservative Christian Fellowship’s newly launched “Listening to Britain’s Churches” programme.  Chair of Eastbourne’s Churches Together Martyn Relf said, “The purpose was to bridge the gap between Christians and politics (of any colour) and to enable the Christian voice in Eastbourne to be heard on important matters.”

The panel included Colin Bloom (Director of CCF), Caroline Ansell (Prospective Conservative MP for Eastbourne), Sandy Medway (Advisor to voluntary sector and Christian community), and Rev Vic Lawrence (St John’s Church ministry team).   Of the event held at Eastbourne’s  Jubilee Hall on 19 November, Sandy Medway commented, “I am delighted the event in Eastbourne was so well attended.  We mustn’t feel paralysed by the media smokescreen that would have us believe all is lost. It simply isn’t true. Christians involved in politics from all parties are working hard to tackle issues together.”

She urged churchgoers: “Keep getting involved by supporting your worthy political leaders. They will need your prayers and support in equal measure over the coming months.  Sitting on the fence is no longer an option.”