It will be the first time in history that all five Patcham churches unite together to bring the good news to the community of Patcham.
All Saints and Ascension C of E, the Elim Pentecostal Church, the Patcham Methodist Church and St Thomas Moore Catholic Church are hosting the Love Patcham Festival. It will include live bands, special speakers, Soul by the Sea, food stalls and BBQs, lots of craft stalls and face painting, the unique Football Cadge with team Street 60, 5 a side football, bouncy castles, and many other fairground activities and games.

“This will be the highlight of all the events that the Church has put on this year in Patcham” says Pastor Christy Smith of Elim Church, Patcham. “We are expecting a big turn out and still have a few mystery guests and activities to be confirmed.”

The festival takes place from 2pm to 4pm on 20 September at Patcham High School, Ladies Mile Road, Patcham, Brighton, Sussex BN1 8PB For more information contact Christy on 07523849646 or Penny on 07810356913