A YOUNG CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY who managed to sidestep the threat of Ebola in Sierra Leone and return to England last year is now planning to marry the girl of his dreams.

Joel Willmer is ‘looking for God’s leading on what I do next’ after a three year mission stint in Africa supported by Westergate Christian Fellowship in Chichester. Meanwhile he plans to marry sweetheart Taryn Ferrando, from South Africa, on August 8 after a courtship which began at a chance meeting in a wedding more than two years ago.

England’s green and pleasant lands are a world away from the excitement in Sierra Leone where Joel supported projects with United For Mission (UFM) and United For Ministry Sierra Leone (UFMSL).
“I was blessed in many ways in Sierra Leone,” recalled Joel. “The greatest way was in my own spiritual development. When you are in a culture that is so different from your own, and in a country that is so spiritually dark, it is much easier to rely on God, in fact it’s impossible not to.”