Gay marriage: the after shock

Christian campaigners were shocked at the easy passage the Same Sex Marriage Bill had through the House of Lords.

After the first vigorous debate, the second reading was passed easily, with some bishops abstaining.  Many peers had arrived sporting pink carnations, handed out by gay activists.

Fresh from his success in forcing through the measure, the Prime Minister held a party for gay activists in Downing Street and said he wants to export same-sex marriage all over the world.

Meanwhile his erstwhile Conservative voters are wondering exactly what their party is conserving, if it is not conserving the traditional family, according to Clifford Hill, who is active in parliamentary Christian groups.  Over half the Conservative MPs voted against same sex marriage, but the Prime Minister relied on support from the Labour and LibDems.  Pro-Life News published a helpful list of how all the MPs voted.

Although the Queen was forced to give it royal assent and go against her coronation vows, she has not been openly condemned as her invidious position is recognised as both Head of State and Head of the Church of England.

Campaigners are wondering whether, with their amendments for the protection of teachers and civil servants overridden, we will see similar cases to those seen in Canada and New Mexico, where photographers have been sued for refusing to photograph same sex weddings.  Earlier this year a New Zealand charity was threatened with losing its status as it promotes traditional marriage.


Scots can still respond to their own Marriage Bill

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill was published at the end of June and, with the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill now an Act of Parliament covering England and Wales, attention will focus on Scotland.

The Scottish Parliament’s Equal Opportunities Committee has issued a call for written evidence which is open for responses until Friday 23 August.  CARE is sending a simple supporter briefing on how to make a submission for those who wish to stand for marriage being exclusively between a man and a woman.


Gay couple to sue church over gay marriage opt-out

Wealthy gay dad, Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, says he and his civil partner Tony will go to court to force churches to host gay weddings.


Sikhs told to halt weddings over gay marriage law risk

Sikhs have been advised to deregister their temples as wedding venues – in order to avoid being sued for not carrying out same-sex marriages.


Christians challenge Police Chief: “Tell officers not to arrest preachers who say homosexuality is sinful”

After a street preacher who quoted Bible verses about homosexuality was arrested, Christian Legal Centre (CLC) wrote urgently to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.  Their late July letter asked for guidance to be issued immediately to all officers concerning public expressions that homosexuality is sinful. The letter also asks for the officers who wrongly arrested a street preacher to be disciplined.


Oxford English Dictionary rethinks marriage

The Oxford English Dictionary has said that the definition of the term “marriage” will be changed to include same-sex couples.

Sources: Christian Concern, Christian Institute, Bible Society, CARE