Catapulted to prominence after the June General Election, the little known Democratic Unionist Party turned overnight into kingmakers, with just ten MPs holding the balance of power in Parliament. Meanwhile the liberal media viewed their biblical values incredulously.

We present these men and women who are standing in the political gap for Great Britain in the hope that readers will be led to pray wisely and sensitively for them in the battles ahead. Carole Woodiwis, who compiled this list, says: “Many of the DUP have either been attacked or had close family murdered.  I think they need a lot of prayer for the old wounds still clearly hurt, even though they put them aside to co-exist with former adversaries in the Good Friday agreement”


Arlene Foster MLA PC

Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Church: Anglican

Political Interests: Became Leader of the DUP in 2015. She has held many senior ministerial posts in the N I Assembly. Known to be pro-Israel.

Personal: Became a solicitor after graduating from Queen’s in Law. Married with three children, Arlene is a royalist and an admirer of the Queen and Margaret Thatcher. When she was eight her father was attacked and shot in the head by the IRA outside her home. At age 16 her school bus was bombed by the IRA.

Nigel Dodds OBE

Constituency:  North Belfast

Elected to Westminster: 2001

Church: Protestant

Political Interests:  Deputy Leader of the DUP and leader of the party at Westminster.  He has held many ministerial posts in the NI Assembly and is a Member of the Privy Council. Known to be pro-Israel.

Personal: Wife Diane is an MEP for the DUP. He graduated from Cambridge with a 1st in Law and became a Barrister, later working on the European Parliament Secretariat. He was the youngest ever Lord Mayor of Belfast.  He supports the Orange Order Parades.  In 1996 IRA gunmen tried to kill him as he and his wife visited their seriously ill son in the children’s ward.

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

Constituency:  Lagan Valley

Elected to Westminster: 1997 – longest serving N I MP

Church: Protestant

Political Interests:  A member of the Privy Council, he has served on the Defence Select Committee. First elected to the NI Assembly in 1985 aged 22, he has held ministerial roles in that Assembly.  He chairs Prayers for Parliament at Westminster ( which produces The Prayer Shield, a regular bulletin sent throughout Britain and beyond.

Personal: He was Assistant Grand Master of the Orange Order for three years.  It was the Provisional IRA murder of two cousins that prompted Sir Jeffrey to enter politics.

Gregory Campbell

Constituency:  East Londonderry

Elected to Westminster: 2001

Church: Protestant

Political Interests:  He has held various ministerial roles in the NI Assembly.

Personal: He is linked to the Caleb Foundation which works to promote the teaching of creationism, is pro-life and anti gay marriage. He has spoken against homosexuality and any moves to protect and extend the Irish language in the north.

Paul Girvan

Constituency:  South Antrim

Elected to Westminster: 2017

Church: Protestant

Political Interests:  He joined the DUP at 16. Elected to Lisburn Council at the age of 23, he progressed to the N I Assembly where he held a ministerial role and was Private Secretary to the First Minister. He introduced a Northern Ireland Freedom of Conscience Bill in support of the Asher’s Bakery case.

Personal:  He is a prominent supporter of teaching creationism.

Emma Little Pengelly

Constituency: Belfast South

Elected to Westminster: 2017

Church: ?

Political Interests: Co-opted to the N I Assemby in 2015, she was previously a special adviser to the First Minister.

Personal: Educated at Queen’s and Harvard Kennedy School and became a barrister.  Her husband is Permanent Secretary in the N I Department of Health. Her father, Noel Little, a noted loyalist, was arrested for arms trafficking in 1989.

Ian Paisley Jr

Constituency: North Antrim

Elected to Westminster: 2010

Church: Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster

Political Interests: Succeeded his father as MP at Westminster.  Elected to the NI Assembly in 1998.

Personal:  Graduated from Queen’s in Modern History and Irish Politics. He is against homosexuality and same sex marriage.  Reportedly a friend of Donald Trump.

Gavin Robinson

Constituency: Belfast East

Elected to Westminster:  2015

Church: Church of Ireland

Political Interests:

Personal:  Graduated from Queen’s in Law and Irish Politics and became a barrister.

Jim Shannon

Constituency: Strangford

Elected to Westminster: 2010

Church: Baptist

Political Interests: A long standing Councillor, he was first elected in1985. Elected to the N I Assembly in 1998. He is passionate about protecting British soldiers and policemen form being investigated a second time when they were acting in the call of duty.  His politics are left of the Conservative government.  Lobbied to include creationism in the school curriculum.

Personal:  The murder of his cousin by the IRA prompted him to take up politics.  Speaking in the House of Commons about men in the Ulster Defence Regiment murdered during the Troubles he said “The honour belongs to those who have lived their lives with the sorrow of great loss, and yet chose not to retaliate”.  A sentiment shared by other Ulster MP’s.  He is a member of the Orange Order.  He is pro-Israel.  An investigation into his constituency expenses found that he and his staff worked tirelessly for their constituents, including supporting people in other constituencies whose MPs do not take up their Westminster seats. Opposes same-sex marriage in N I.

David Simpson

Constituency:  Upper Barn

Elected to Westminster: 2005, defeating David Trimble.

Church: Protestant

Political Interests:  A member of the DEFRA Committee, he has served on a number of parliamentary Joint Committees.  He was elected to the NI Assembly in 2003.

Personal: His cousin was murdered by the IRA. He is Deputy Master of a district of the Orange Order.  He is a proponent of creationism.  He views marriage as an “ordained constitution of God” and opposes same-sex marriage.  He is involved in youth work and drug rehabilitation programmes.

Sammy Wilson

Constituency:  East Antrim

Elected to Westminster: 2005

Church: Protestant

Political Interests: Entering politics as a councillor in 1981, he became a member of the N I Assembly in 1998. As Minister for the Environment he stated his beliefs that man-made climate change is a myth and was greatly criticised.  He serves on the Brexit Committee and campaigned to leave the EU.

Personal:  He studied Economics and Politics at Queen’s before teacher training.