In a ceremony led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Prince Harry’s fiancée Meghan Markle has been baptised and confirmed in the Church of England.

Meghan and Harry attend church at Sandringham on Christmas Day last year
Meghan and Harry attend church at Sandringham on Christmas Day last year

The Daily Mail reported that Meghan had asked Archbishop Welby to lead the service “after forming a close bond with him in recent weeks as he instructed her on the rites and sacraments of the Church.”

The 45-minute private service took place in the Chapel Royal in St James’s Palace on 6 March. Harry and other members of the royal family attended, including Charles and Camilla. Holy water from the River Jordan was poured on the 36-year-old’s head in the traditional way.

American divorcee Ms Markle did not need to be confirmed as an Anglican in order to marry Harry in church, but chose to do so out of respect for the Queen’s role as the head of the Church of England.