The story of John Smith, a 14-year-old boy who experienced a ‘modern day resurrection’ after being dragged lifeless from a frozen lake has been made into a 2019 Hollywood film, ‘Breakthrough’.
His adoptive mother, Joyce, prayed aloud over her son’s body, pleading with God to save him. Within a few minutes, his heart started beating again. His doctor called it a “bona fide miracle”.
John told Gospel Herald: “[God’s] not dead, he’s alive, and he’s still in the miracle working business. I’m blown away by how great he is.”
John’s story is told in ‘The Impossible’ by Joyce Smith
‘Near death’ experiences have a common theme for Christians: they meet Jesus
There are plenty of ‘near death’ reports on the internet; the challenge is to find those that ring true for Bible believers. We believe these pass the test.
Other ‘Life from the dead’ stories can be found by clicking the links below:
Life from the dead – Christy Smith
Jesus took me over a threshold – Joan Daniel
I died and met the God I’d run from all my life – Crystal McVea
Life from the dead for a pastor and for our nation
Have you had a near-death experience? Write to letters@heartpublications.co.uk