MHRA failed to warn public of Covid vaccine risks
By Christian Hacking
MPs from four parties are demanding an urgent investigation into the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) following reports of multiple failings in protecting the population from Covid vaccine injury.
Graham Stringer, Labour MP for Blackley and Broughton and chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Pandemic Response and Recovery, has written repeatedly to the chairperson of the Health and Social Care Committee, MP Steven Brine, stating that the MHRA knew of post-vaccination “heart and clotting issues” as early as February 2021 but didn’t highlight the problem for several months.
Speaking to the Telegraph (27 February), Mr Stringer stated: “The MHRA oversees a failing system that is slow to act, causing harm to patients and beset with conflicts of interest…We cannot allow it to continue. That’s why we have written to the health select committee calling for an urgent investigation into the MHRA”.
A week earlier, Dame June Raine had resigned as head of the MHRA. In the latest of several letters from the group to the committee on 23 February, they raised concerns that CEO June Raine had sought to transition the MHRA from watchdog to “enabler”. According to the group: ‘This alone warrants a full and proper investigation”. Dr Raine had even boasted of this transition in a lecture at her alma mater, Somerville College, Oxford.
A subsequent article in the Telegraph (2 March) states that 21 MPs have signed another letter from the Pandemic Response APPG to the Health Secretary, criticising a “wall of silence” from the Department of Health and Social Care and demanding all excess death data be released to the public. Among them are Christian MPs Danny Kruger and Miriam Cates.
The MHRA knew of post-vaccination “heart and clotting issues” as early as February 2021Over 2000 people have commented on both Telegraph articles. The most liked comment in the latter article was written by Albert Venn. It states:
“My mother died after receiving her Moderna booster in May 2022. Everyone in her care home who had the booster was very ill and the home was overwhelmed…The MHRA refuses to investigate this and has ignored my and my sister’s complaints and no one seems able or willing to get them to carry out their statutory duty.”
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See also ‘MHRA slumbers while vaccine deaths mount’, an article on The Conservative Woman website
More evidence that Covid leaked from a lab
By Andrew Halloway
Two opinion columns in the Wall Street Journal agree that new documents show that Covid-19 originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
HEART was one of the few newspapers in the UK to highlight the Wuhan lab leak theory when it first emerged, at a time when governments and mainstream media were condemning the idea as a conspiracy theory and social media platforms were cancelling discussion of it.
However, the theory has gained credibility over the years, with some major scientific voices and US government departments admitting it is the most likely scenario. Now the Wall Street Journal says “new documents bolster the theory that it [Covid-19] not only escaped from a laboratory but was developed in one”.In his article, Nicholas Wade writes that mainstream media have been reluctant to cover the issue because “science journalists are too beholden to their sources to suspect that virologists would lie to them about the extent of their profession’s responsibility for a catastrophic pandemic”.
Writing in LifeSiteNews, Steven Mosher – the President of the Population Research Institute – said: “The Wall Street Journal just breathlessly reported that the Covid virus was manufactured in a lab. It even hinted that the lab in question might have been – drumroll, please – the Wuhan Institute of Virology.“Of course, this is not news to anyone but those who still read the mainstream media. Those benighted souls have been kept in the dark about the origins of the recent pandemic for four long years…
“The fact that China, with US tech support and funding, secretly engineered a dangerous bioweapon that escaped from the lab is by now obvious to almost everyone.”Fibrous blood clots
Embalmers have been reporting that it is hard to embalm bodies due to the presence of thick, fibrous material clotting the blood vessels.
Thomas Haviland, a former US Air Force Major, has collected data from 269 embalmers worldwide, and has spoken on the UK’s Dr John Campbell report, as has John O’Looney, pictured, a UK funeral director.See
Jabs HAVE changed DNA
The injections administered to millions since 2021 had the ability to change their recipients’ DNA, according to Dr Kevin McKernan, an expert in DNA and RNA sequencing, best known for his role as a team leader in the Human Genome Project.
Previously he had found plasmid DNA contamination in Covid-19 mRNA ‘vaccines’ (as reported to the World Council for Health in 2023), which was refuted by ‘fact checkers’, and now, in March 2024, has been able to prove that the plasmid DNA will have entered cells thanks to being encased in lipid nano-particles.
Other researchers had discovered that the vaccines used in the clinical trials were not the same as those rolled out to the public (‘bait and switch’, previously reported in this paper). Thus those used in the trials were apparently uncontaminated, but the ones given to the public were not.Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics held a meeting to review these findings in mid-March, with microbiologist Prof Sucharit Bhakdi reporting on the bombshell findings.