US Education Department scraps ‘mother’ and ‘father’ on forms

Students filling in a form for a loan will not need to name their mother and father any more, merely calling them ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2’.

Critics say the move, aimed at children adopted by homosexual parents, is “deeply offensive”.

Cathy Ruse, of the Family Research Council which campaigns for traditional marriage, said: “I carried my children for nine months in my womb, I endured the pain (and joy) of birth, I nursed them for many months after they were born, and every morning they jump into my bed screaming, ‘Mommy!’”

“But the federal government says I’m Mommy no more. I am Parent 1. Or maybe Parent 2. Mr. President, I dare you to tell my daughters I’m not their mother.”

The changes are to be brought in for the 2014-2015 student aid form.

Source – Christian Institute