Tax expert wins 100k after being sacked for trans views

Tax consultant Maya Forstater has been awarded £106,404 in compensation after losing her job for stating the biological reality of two sexes.
In 2019 Maya’s contract was cancelled by the Centre for Global Development (CGD) after she tweeted about her gender-critical beliefs. An employment tribunal decided in her favour: CGD’s assertion that Maya’s beliefs were “bigotry” and their “oppressive” discrimination towards her had broken employment law.
She had suffered “direct discrimination” and “victimisation”
Judges ruled that Maya’s opinions are protected under the Equality Act 2010 and awarded the compensation because she had suffered “direct discrimination” and “victimisation”.
Afterwards, her former employer stated: “CGD has and will continue to strive to maintain a workplace that is welcoming, safe, and inclusive to all” – apparently with no recognition that this policy was clearly not applied to Maya.
MPs from a range of parties have urged the Government to limit the term “sex” in the Equality Act 2010 to biological sex.
Social worker loses job offer over Christian views

A Christian social worker is taking a mental health organisation to court for discrimination after it rescinded his job offer.
Felix Ngole had already won a previous case against his university when it kicked him off his course for having traditional Christian beliefs about homosexuality. Now those same beliefs have lost him a job after Touchstone Support first offered him work and then withdrew it when it discovered he would not “embrace and promote LGBT+ rights”.
Employer wanted him to “pledge allegiance to the LGBT flag and forget about my Christian beliefs”
Premier reports that Felix’s case is ongoing at an employment tribunal, which began in July.
Back in 2015, Felix was banned from his social work degree course at the University of Sheffield after writing on social media that same-sex marriage is sinful. A four-year-long legal battle followed, until the Court of Appeal exonerated Felix and he was able to return to his studies and then qualify as a social worker.
Felix told Premier that Touchstone Support wanted to make him “pledge allegiance to the LGBT flag and forget about my Christian beliefs”.
Muslim admits planning murder of Christian speaker

Edward Little from Brighton was arrested with £5,000 on him, which he aimed to spend on a gun, passport and two phones.
His target was Hatun Tash – a Christian who debates other speakers in the open air at Hyde Park and who has been attacked before, including on 25 July 2021 when a Muslim mob surrounded her and she was stabbed.
According to the Evangelical Times, Little pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey from inside Belmarsh prison, after previously denying the charge.
Hatun leads the Defend Christ Critique Islam ministry. She said: “I am glad the police were able to act and stop Little before he harmed me and people around me”. She also declares she should be able to “critique Islam, or anything else that I disagree with, especially at Speakers’ Corner, the home of free speech”.
Despite the attacks and threats, and having been arrested twice herself while evangelising at Speakers’ Corner, Hatun continues to share her faith. The Metropolitan Police later apologised for the two wrongful arrests.
Archbishop calls Lord’s Prayer ‘problematic’

The Archbishop of York told the Anglican Church’s General Synod in July that the “Our Father” phrase in the Lord’s Prayer causes difficulties.
Stephen Cottrell cited patriarchal connotations and abusive human fathers as reasons why some people find it hard to say the prayer.
He cited patriarchal connotations and abusive human fathers
It was only a brief comment within a speech on unity – but ironically caused some division between traditionalists and liberals, the former pointing out that Jesus taught us to pray to God as Father, and the latter who prefer more gender-neutral terms for God.
“Ideologically captured” CPS caves in to trans ideology
The Crown Prosecution Service has caused alarm after recent statements on transgenderism.
The latest CPS guidance to prosecutors says it may consider failing to pay for a family member’s gender transition surgery as domestic abuse, as well as “sharing pre-transition images” of a family member and refusing to use their “preferred name or pronoun”. The CPS states that “gender identity is not the same as anatomical sex. Gender identity is what you know your gender to be and can only be decided by the individual for themselves.”
The use of the phrase ‘know your gender to be’ rather than ‘think it is’ or ‘believe’ shows the capitulation of the CPS to unscientific transgenderism ideas.
Women’s rights campaigner Maya Forstater told the MailOnline: “Parents of children who identify as transgender should not be seen as abusers if they do not affirm their child as being ‘born in the wrong body’.
“The CPS has shown itself again and again to be ideologically captured. They have produced materials telling schoolgirls that they must accept males in girls’ toilets and guidance on rape by deception that forgets what sex people are.”
The Women’s Rights Network (WRN) has also written to the CPS, complaining that the guidance will damage “women’s trust and confidence” in justice.