Tainted blood scandal

 While the scandal of haemophiliacs infected with hepatitis and HIV has been well reported this May, the suffering of the families continues.

One Christian family told HEART that it is prayer that has sustained them through decades of seeing their child, now an adult, endure undeserved medical treatment and the stigma of attending an STD clinic.

They have welcomed each new revelation of a government cover-up is welcomed, although the lack of compensation over the years is inexplicable, as more victims have been affected than in any other recent disasters, such as the Grenfell Tower fire.


Conservatives boycott Anglican conference

Members of a conservative group within the global Anglican communion, GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) will not attend the meeting of Anglican bishops next year, because bishops who approve of same sex relationships will be attending.

GAFCON also announced that it will be holding a rival event to the Lambeth Conference.


Methodists to conduct same-sex weddings

 In an effort to ‘modernise’, a Methodist task force has recommended that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry in their churches, although ministers who object will not have to officiate at the ceremony.

The report will be discussed at the Methodist Conference, held from 27 June to 4 July.


Food bank handouts at record levels

 Britain’s biggest network of food banks, run by the Trussell Trust, said the number of handouts increased by 19% in 2018. They attributed this partly to delays in universal credit payments.


“Just talk to me!”

Couples who make time to have meals together are likely to be happier – and enjoy their meals more – especially if they ban phones from the meal table.

Currently only one in three couples regularly eat together, according to Marriage Foundation. Reporting during National Marriage Week (13-19 May 2019), they examined divorce risk factors and have concluded that couples marrying today have the lowest risk of divorce since the 1960s.