Man denied job for “being Christian” settles with hotel

A Christian graphic designer, who sued a hotel claiming he was denied a job at the hotel because of his faith, has settled out of court.

Christian Institute

Street preacher compensated for 19-hour custody ordeal

Police who wrongfully arrested Christian street preacher John Craven and detained him in custody for over 19 hours, have settled the claim for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and breach of his human rights.

Christian Institute

Tories roll out biggest relaxation of abortion practice

The Conservatives have been responsible for the biggest liberalisation of abortion procedures since 1967, the Christian Institute has found.  The Daily Telegraph has also reported plans to make the ‘morning after’ abortion pill widely available.

Dead babies’ bodies incinerated to heat hospitals

The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches found.  “Exposing Hospital Heartache” was aired on 24 March

This is a small selection of the many items of concern in the news.  Recommended sites are the Christian Institute, Christian Concern, CARE and Bible Society’s news digest.