Crawley Debt Centre Manager David Dickson with Crawley MP Henry Smith who cuts a cake to celebrate launch of a new Debt Counselling service with CAP Partnership Manager, Helen Norris

Local churches announce they will partner with award winning charity

Several local congregations in Crawley are so concerned with the financial worries of the local community, that they have decided to work together and partner with a charity to offer debt counselling.Members of the churches wanted to better serve people living in hardship so they got in touch with UK debt counselling charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) and have started to offer the new, free service.

Debt Centre Manager David Dickson said: “Money worries are among the worst because often people feel they are to blame for their debts getting out of control and so they struggle on rather than seeking help. Sometimes those people have made mistakes but very often they have been driven into debt by suffering from one or two of life’s unexpected happenings like redundancy, relationship breakdown or coping with illness.  We are offering a tried-and-tested professional service which will see people escape that debt trap and get their lives back on track.”

CAP has more than 270 church-based debt help centres across the UK offering an award-winning free service to people regardless of their age, gender, background or faith.