Leon Gosiewski: ‘Awake! Rise and Glow’ and Erwin Henderson: ‘Understanding Church and Sexuality in our Generation’

Leon Gosiewski:
‘Awake! Rise and Glow’

Awake Rise and Glow
Awake! Rise & Glow

Born in London but now resident in Sussex, Leon Gosiewski is a former teacher with an MSc degree and training in Old and New Testament studies, church history, pastoral care, and counselling.

Leon is founder of Renewed Life Healing Ministries and Awake Rise & Glow, a thriving Facebook ministry page based on his new book of that name. Leon says, “The Lord has been speaking more and more to me about the need to be ready. ‘Awake! Rise and Glow’ follows on from my previous book: ‘Warning: the Fig Tree has sprouted’. The latest book is the product of one of many face-to-face encounters with Jesus where on this occasion he asked why there is a mismatch between what scripture says and the reality of Church life. The core message is to get ready and walk in holiness.”



Erwin Henderson:
‘Understanding Church and Sexuality in our Generation’

Erwin Henderson

Erwin has been ministering for 20 years through leadership, biblical teaching and training in France, North Africa and West Sussex. His vision of a relational God who transforms, desires growth, and mandates us to witness, contributes to the renewal of church and the training of a new generation of leaders. His input is appreciated for its apostolic and prophetic edge.

His most recent publication, ‘Understanding Church and Sexuality in our Generation’ (also available in French), addresses critically a biblical understanding of sexuality, identity and gender arising from the need for clear response to social trends.

The book is intended to strengthen the Church and believers; the content sets out a strong biblical basis upon which to demonstrate distinctively to society, God’s divine intentions for relationships.


Available from:
www.relationalchurchresources.com, which also offers a counselling service