Keith Hayden invites Christians to get involved in restoring the pier to spiritual as well as visual glory

IN OCTOBER 2012 Hastings pier suffered a devastating fire that left it totally wrecked.

Happily the metal infrastructure was later found to be sufficiently in order for it to remain, so following local authority investigations a plan was unveiled earlier this year to fully restore the pier.

Of course this would cost a lot of money, and thankfully most of the funding has now been secured, but £500,000 is still needed, and that is now being offered as a share scheme so that individuals can both invest in this major restoration project and be given a say in how the new pier will finally be used.

Restoration work has finally begun and the pier is expected to be fully restored by 2015, but what will the pier, with its many new design features, be used for?

It could so easily be just another pier offering all the usual worldly amusements and excesses, but it could equally be developed for God’s Kingdom purposes, and be used daily as a place where God’s presence is felt, and his love shown to people of all ages.

In 1984 there was a major inter-church mission on the pier, and many young people came to faith in Jesus.  Is this a kairos moment for Hastings and a prophetic sign, that there is real hope for this town?

Could we even see a group of Christians rise up in prayer together, maybe buy some shares (£100 minimum) before the offer closes in mid-January, or take some other active role in shaping the future of the pier, the town and the lives of the thousands who will visit it?

If you would like to explore any of this and/or pray with others about this unique opportunity, please email  Details of the pier are at