A PUSH TO BAN pro-life speech in front of abortion clinics in theUSAhas been seen off by theAmericanCenterfor Law and Justice (ACLJ).

The Supreme Court refused pro-abortion legislation by President Obama’s administration to stop vocal protests outside clinics. ACLJ supplied information to the court via previous arguments made by Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel, upon the importance of protecting speech which saves lives.

Mr Sekulow called the Supreme Court’s decision ‘a stunning blow’ against ‘President Obama’s radical  pro-abortion agenda’.



THE BELIEF that divorce rates for marriage in theUSAare just as bad in the Church as in the secular world actually isn’t true, according to new research.

Harvard University-trained researcher Shaunti Feldhahn spent eight years trying to find facts to back up the rumours and has written about her findings in ‘The Good News About Marriage’.

She found that divorce rates in churches are between 15 to 20 per cent, compared to 31 per cent for secular couples.

She said: “Pastors need to know this. People need to be able to look around the average congregation and say, ‘You know what, most of these people will have strong and happy marriages for a lifetime. Doing what God says matters. This is a big deal to know.”



COMMUNISTS HAVE STOLEN the flag of Christianity when it comes to dealing with poverty, according to Pope Francis.

He told a reporter of Il Messaggero,Rome’s newspaper, that the flag of the poor is Christian and poverty is at the centre of the gospel.

“Communists say that all this is communism. Sure, 20 centuries later. So when they speak, one can say to them: ‘but then you are Christian’.”



THOUSANDS OF East Europeans have gathered to hear the Gospel from the son of Billy Graham.

Franklin Graham has preached to 15,000 in a huge evangelical church inGeorgiaand 30,000 in the Pepsi Arena inWarsaw,Polandduring a mission this June. There were hundreds of positive responses to the good news about Christ, according to the National Religious Broadcasters’ website.

Franklin Graham said: “The media have told us there are strong and powerful forces working against us. Well, guess what? We’ve got a very strong and powerful God working for us.”



A MODEL who featured on the covers of Harper’s, Vogue and Elle magazines has found hope in Jesus Christ.

Karin Holstein has put pen to paper for her autobiography, ‘Cover Girl Uncovered’ which tells of an abortion forced on her by a lover, physical abuse and her near-lifelong struggle with a skin disorder called psoriasis. Her former jet-set lifestyle involved unhappy romances as she rubbed shoulders with celebs such as film star Sigourney Weaver.

She eventually found herself at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre inIsraelduring a fashion shoot and had a sense of Christ’s presence as she stood near the spot where it is believed he rose from the dead.

An unhappy marriage then led her to check into the Bircher-Benner health spa inSwitzerlandwhere she met a woman who read Psalm 118 to her.

Later she heard the Christian testimony of German golfer Bernard Langer and received Jesus as Saviour after reading the Bible which was like ‘pouring life back into my veins’.

Karin added: “All my suffering, all my drive, all my ambitions, I placed in God’s hands. I consider that I’ve been given a new chance of life through Christ. After looking for love in all the wrong places, finally I’m at peace. Without God’s Word, I wouldn’t walk out the door.”