Oh dear – new Government dept ‘ODIA’ to bring in digital IDs

Christine Anderson MEP
Christine Anderson MEP has repeatedly criticised the Covid measures, saying they were nothing to do with health (Photo: Screenshot from ukcolumn.org)

The UK is moving ever closer to a national digital ID system, with new legislation being proposed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

According to Forbes, “The new digital ID will allow people to prove who they are for everything from moving home or starting a new job to showing they’re over 18 to buy a drink. It will be available via a phone app or website and can be used in-person or online.”

The ID system – which the Government assures people will be entirely optional – would be presided over by a new governing body called the Office for Digital Identities and Attributes (ODIA). Critics are already expressing concerns about privacy and security.

Are you being ‘nudged’? Carbon footprint manipulation is coming

Banks are being encouraged by the Government to integrate ‘carbon footprint trackers’ into their apps and online systems, to persuade consumers to change their purchasing habits in line with the net zero agenda. There is concern that such practices could ultimately pave the way for a Chinese-style social credit system in which people’s behaviour is controlled entirely by the state. The Exposé reported that the government’s famous ‘nudge’ unit has been deployed to ‘persuade’ people to change their habits.

Oxford’s ‘15-minute city’ plan has coercive edge

Planners in Oxford intend to split the city into six districts, each with basic amenities within walking distance, in order to reduce car traffic and help the environment. People will be able to drive freely around their own neighbourhood but would need a permit to drive into a different district, with anyone exceeding 100 such visits in a year receiving a fine of £70.

Spiked commentator James Woudhuysen describes the plans as “madness” and “a coercive drive to put motorists on a leash”.

Dubious dealings at US mid-terms

Despite Joe Biden polling as one of the most unpopular presidents in US history, this has not been reflected in the outcome of the US mid-terms, prompting fears of voting fraud. Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann commented that “The will of the people did not prevail in the final count”.

One step closer to an EU army? UK joins EU defence framework

In a move seemingly contradictory to Brexit, the UK will officially join the EU’s Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) on military mobility, after its application was approved in mid-November. The PESCO framework encourages greater military collaboration between participating states and will simplify cross-border military transport procedures, enabling the fast movement of troops and military assets around the EU. (Source: EU Council Press Release, 15 November 2022)

Deluge of new ‘hate speech’ regulations

Alberta premier Danielle Smith
Danielle Smith, Alberta’s new premier, is a staunch defender of the unvaccinated- (Photo: daniellesmith.ca

New hate speech laws are in the offing in New Zealand, specifically targeting social media. Ireland recently introduced similar legislation, which leaves the definition of ‘hate speech’ hazy and open to interpretation.

This comes as Canada’s Online Streaming Act, known as Bill C-11, reaches its final stages. The bill will give Trudeau’s Government unprecedented power to regulate what people can and cannot watch online. Likewise, the WHO has been working with Google and YouTube to ‘certify’ and promote medical professionals who adhere to WHO guidelines and suppress others who don’t.

Unvaccinated pardoned by Alberta’s new premier

Danielle Smith, recently elected premier of Alberta, has apologised to the unvaccinated for the discrimination they faced during the pandemic and is looking for ways to pardon and protect them. Alberta was the most oppressive province in Canada during the lockdowns. Smith has also cancelled all partnerships and ventures involving the World Economic Forum. She is being demonised in the mainstream media. (Source: The Carmel Alert, 11 November 2022)

Elsewhere, in a courageous letter, French General Christian Blanchon paid tribute to those who have refused to receive a Covid vaccine despite two years of relentless propaganda, discrimination and social pressure. Thanking them for their bravery and strength, Blanchon commended the unvaccinated as “the best of humanity” and “the soldiers that any army of light wishes to have in its ranks.” (Source: RAIR Foundation USA)

EU vaccine passports years in the planning

Flagged up by Dr Robert Malone, the EU Commission’s official ‘Roadmap on Vaccination’ timeline shows clearly that plans for an EU-wide vaccine passport scheme have been in the making since at least 2018 – well in advance of the start of the Covid pandemic.

World-renowned cardiologist cancelled for opposing Covid vaccines

Highly respected medic Dr Peter McCullough is fighting his medical certifications being stripped from him by the American Board of Internal Medicine because of his testimony to the Senate about the risks of the Covid vaccines. (Source: The Tennessee Star)