It becomes clearer by the day that the European Union is anything but united.
What I call the ‘United States of Europe’ (USE) has been imposed on its members by stealth; they thought they were joining a Common Market (the EEC).
The powers that be wanted to prevent another war by unifying Europe, so they appear to have believed that lies were justified.

Now they are trying to sell the ‘war prevention’ idea to doubting nations who find themselves members of a Union, in the hope of staving off mass exits.
As they fulminate against the UK and spread their fear throughout their shaky kingdom, the monolith is primed for a fall. The EU’s mountain of debt is leading rising numbers of economic and political commentators to pronounce its death knell. But the pundits are blind to the fact that the only solution to the world’s mounting crises is the return of Jesus Christ and the fulfilling of biblical prophecy.
As the Brexit circus blunders on, prominent evangelical voices such as spokesman for the persecuted Church Patrick Sookhdeo and international evangelist David Hathaway are convinced that God will bring us out. In his YouTube video ‘The Rape of Europe’, David Hathaway reveals the prophecies in the books of Daniel and Revelation that tell of an end-time revived Roman Empire from which the antichrist will arise.
That alliance of ten kings in Daniel’s vision (not 28, the current number of EU nations) may not be far away. Jesus said: “When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).
Isaiah 52:10 could well be written for today: “The Lord has made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” I believe God is about to show his verdict on those who are seeking to build a man-made utopia, but have shut him out of public life.
Will he say no USE for Britain? I do not pretend to know if we will be in or out by 29 March, but may it please God to open many eyes to the truth of his laws that we once followed, if somewhat imperfectly, thanks to an 804 year old, dusty piece of parchment that is now in flames – Magna Carta.
What are we to make then of the future of Magna Carta? I believe it is now dead and hope to enlarge upon that apparently pessimistic verdict in an update of my 2015 Kindle book, ‘Magna Carta RIP?’ when the time is right.
Whatever the outcome of our misguided negotiations, it is God who will have the last word.
Robert Tromans
Craven Arms, Shropshire