Rev Lynda Rose addresses pro-lifers in front of ParliamentRev Lynda Rose

Christian Hacking reports from a pro-life rally

Rev Lynda Rose of Voice for Justice UK addressing the pro-life coalition outside Parliament

An indomitable pro-life coalition gathered outside Parliament recently to protest attempts to bring in abortion up to birth.

On 15 May, around 300 demonstrators gathered in Westminster, displaying striking placards reading “No to abortion up to birth.”

DUP MPs Carla Lockhart and Ian Paisley gave speeches, alongside contributions from various organisations including Abortion Resistance, Alliance Defending Freedom UK, Campaign for Bio-ethical Reform UK, Christian Concern, Voice for Justice UK. Meanwhile video ad vans circled Parliament Square, featuring CGI footage of fetal development with the same slogan.

Two radical amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill, set to be debated in June, aim to decriminalise abortion, including up to birth, which will also legalise sex-selective abortions. This would inevitably expose unborn babies and mothers to unsafe procedures or medications.

Also due to be debated are two pro-life amendments that seek to lower the abortion limit from 24 to 22 weeks and prohibit abortions for Down’s syndrome babies beyond 24 weeks.

The group plans to reconvene regularly until the Bill is debated.

Pro-lifers and pro-abortionists compete for new legislation

A new Brand of Christian

Brand new man - Russell Brand has been baptised
Brand new man – Russell Brand has been baptised

Former comedian turned freedom-fighting YouTuber Russell Brand gained a new notoriety when he meekly submitted to baptism.

A more serious Brand told his 6 million subscribers that he had always felt a calling, but that it had been subsumed in his various well-documented vices.

Now a happily married father, it is thought that the Catholic background of Brand’s wife, Laura Gallacher, may have helped towards his decision.

Time will tell if Russell becomes a firebrand for Christ.

Healing miracles in the heart of London

Thousands heard the gospel in Trafalgar Square
Thousands heard the gospel in Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square saw an outbreak of healings when evangelist Daniel Chand staged a gospel outreach.

Joined by other evangelists such as David Hathaway, Chand preached that believing in the sinless death and resurrection of Jesus is the only way to have your sins forgiven.

As it states in the Bible, “signs and wonders” followed the message of salvation, with many physical healings reported. Chand wrote on his website afterwards, “One woman had come to pray for her friend, but found that a lump had disappeared!”

An ex-Muslim also testified to the thousands present on 4 May that she had found Christ.

Daniel Chand’s ministry is called Walking Like Jesus. He pastors the multicultural Pragma Church in Milton Keynes and has travelled to over 15 countries as an evangelist.

Now he hopes to see an outbreak of revival tent meetings across the UK