The doctor who discovered unusual formations in the blood of recipients of the Covid injections has now released more slides showing damage to recipients of the second dose and – alarmingly – to unvaccinated children.

He had not set out to be a trailblazer, but his blood slides shared in July 2021 from patients at his private practice opened up discussion by doctors worldwide over the effects of the experimental vaccines.

Now he has two more alarming reports: firstly that after the second jab, the effects on the blood are “way more serious” than after the first dose and secondly that unvaccinated children appear to be getting ill as a result of inhaling droplets from their vaccinated parents. Their blood contains similar evidence of graphene oxide and cell damage seen in vaccinated patients.

Here are the doctor’s own words from part of a three-hour interview with a South African Christian station on 20 November 2021:

We’re seeing progressively worse images four to five months after the first vaccination. We’re also seeing a worsening of cognitive function, mainly in our geriatric patients. After the second cycle of vaccines, the results have been horrific.

These people were old but lucid – they were medical professionals –  but in a couple of days after this vaccine, they’d lost spatial awareness and didn’t know if they were Martha or Arthur.

But what we’re seeing now is the effects of shedding which is far more sinister. We’ve had a flood of children coming through, who presented with one-sided paralysis, paraesthesia (tingling in fingertips) frontal lobe blinding headaches, concentration issues – they couldn’t perform at school any more.

We now see children who just cry and cry and are despondent. Previously they were bouncy kids with good social skills who did well at school and sports.

In fact the parents asked if we could check the children’s blood. When children flip-flopped between divorced parents, there was a good chance they’d picked it up from the vaccinated spouse. We don’t know why the paralysis is always on one side.

The full interview can be seen at, along with the doctor’s protocols for treating Covid. We hope to put up a longer version of this article shortly, and there is still a testimony of healing from vaccine adverse effects and a prayer of repentance.

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Blood of an unvaccinated child with vaccinated parents shows graphene oxide and damaged cells 
Blood of an unvaccinated child with vaccinated parents shows graphene oxide and damaged cells 
Blood of an unvaccinated little boy suffering partial paralysis and vertigo; parents had had second Covid dose four months earlier 
Blood of an unvaccinated little boy suffering partial paralysis and vertigo; parents had had second Covid dose four months earlier 
Blood from a very sick, older patient - cells are in  rouleau formation with reduced graphene oxide structures between them
Blood from a very sick, older patient – cells are in  rouleau formation with reduced graphene oxide structures between them
normal blood cells
The doctor took this photo of a patient’s normal blood cells, which are round, doughnut shaped and well spaced, with very few damaged cells