Parents in Ontario, Canada, face having their children taken away if they do not accept their child’s chosen gender.

Bill 89, which the Queen signed into law this June, is seen by Christians as threatening parental rights because parents who oppose or criticise the LGBT agenda may be considered potential “child abusers.” As a result, their child “can be removed from that environment and placed into protection.”

Previously, parents were allowed to “direct the child’s education and religious upbringing” but now a parent must influence a child’s education and upbringing “in accordance with the child’s or young person’s creed, community identity and cultural identity.”

Reacting to Bill 89, or The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada states that the grounds for discrimination have grown from going against a child’s chosen religious faith to the whole panoply of discriminatory offences under the Ontario Human Rights Code which usually apply to adults.

Thus parents and schools must be careful not to discriminate against the child’s “race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression”.