Right side of history
I write to say what an excellent Christian publication HEART is, particularly the recent coverage of the Israel/Gaza conflict, which gave its historical origins based on fact, not from the…
Sharing Christian news across the nation
I write to say what an excellent Christian publication HEART is, particularly the recent coverage of the Israel/Gaza conflict, which gave its historical origins based on fact, not from the…
Why does the Church of England overlook the power of Jesus to cancel unwanted same-sex attraction?
Top doctors travelled to Britain to voice their Covid concerns Six world leading scientists and medical professionals presented their expert testimonies on the Covid pandemic and its consequences to a…
Local authorities are virtue signalling their green credentials by promising to reach ‘net zero’ before the Government’s country-wide deadline of 2050.
One Life, The True Story of Sir Nicholas Winton
Even Darwin couldn’t explain why the peacock has its dazzling display
As even Israel’s allies press for a two-state solution, an astonishing admission from an Orthodox Jew: “GAZA NEEDS JESUS!”
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