As one town’s ministers join to seek God together: “This is our watershed moment”
PASTOR CLIVE HICKMAN of Coastlands Church in Peacehaven is a man on a mission. Having studied revivals, he is convinced that Britain is on the brink – because it is…
Sharing Christian news across the nation
PASTOR CLIVE HICKMAN of Coastlands Church in Peacehaven is a man on a mission. Having studied revivals, he is convinced that Britain is on the brink – because it is…
A SUSSEX POLICE CHIEF has praised the work of Christian charities in Eastbourne.
PARISHIONERS of Lindfield, the pretty village near Haywards Heath, were delighted when it was announced that the Rev Stuart Silk had been appointed Associate Vicar for All Saints Church. At…
THE 700 ANNUAL SUSSEX PILGRIMS TO LOURDES have been led by a new pilgrimage director.
A PROMINENT CHRISTIAN JOURNALIST who contributed to this paper and the Worthing Herald’s Church News has died, aged 83.
THIS JULY the European Union announced its new official policy of boycotting Jews and Israelis in areas of Israel liberated in the 1967 Six Day War, including Judea, Samaria and…
WAS THIS WHERE KING DAVID HELD COURT and from where he waged war for his kingdom? Two royal public buildings, the likes of which have not previously been found in…