Asia Lemmon aka Jessica Steinhauser poses with her children wearing pots and pans on their headsAsia Lemmon aka Jessica Steinhauser poses with her children wearing pots and pans on their heads

Photo: Asia Lemmon, seen here with her children, was given ‘religious’ exemption to wear a colander on her head for her driving licence photo (inset)

Asia Lemmon recently had her Utah driver’s licence photo taken while wearing a colander on her head.  Why is this news?  Because she successfully claimed a religious exemption to Utah’s requirement that all such photos be taken without headgear.
Lemmon is a member of the Flying Spaghetti Monster movement also known as Pastafarianism.  The group was started in 2005 as a protest against teaching intelligent design in Kansas schools.  Lemmon is an unusual spokesperson for them: her legal name is Jessica Steinhauser, but she performed as a porn star under the name Asia Carrera.  When she appeared for her driver’s licence photo, her protest was already old hat, so to speak.  About a dozen Pastafarians have done the same thing in recent years.