A CHURCH MINISTER has decided not to stand as a prospective UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) parliamentary candidate for Hove and Portslade in the 2015 General Election.

Rev Clive Hickman still has a ‘sense of call’ to serve as a Christian in government
Rev Clive Hickman still has a ‘sense of call’ to serve as a Christian in government

Rev Clive Hickman, Pastor of Coastlands Church in Peacehaven featured in the April/May 2014 HEART OF SUSSEX in an article on Christians entering politics. Now he has cited ‘changed circumstances’ and a possible career move out of the area as the reason for his resignation.

He told HEART, “I felt this seat would be best served by someone with a heart for the Brighton area and its unique social milieu. There is a very strong chance I will be standing in another, more suitable, seat and more on this later! My sense of call to serve in government as a Christian candidate remains undiminished.”