By Sonia Elijah
Around the world, there has been a deafening silence over excess deaths from governments and the mainstream media, who not so long ago were quite fixated on the daily death toll for Covid.
On 20 October, a 30-minute adjourned debate on excess deaths in the UK House of Commons was finally secured by Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West Leicestershire and member of the Reclaim Party. (Bridgen was expelled from the Conservative party for quoting a cardiologist who called the Covid vaccines a crime against humanity on a par with the Holocaust and has continued to draw attention to vaccine outcomes.)
As Bridgen began his speech, cheers erupted from the packed public gallery, in stark contrast to the almost empty chamber below.
Where were the hundreds of MPs who would normally sit shoulder to shoulder in the chamber? It appears an increase in deaths of their constituents was not a pressing issue for them on that Friday afternoon.
Strikingly, excess deaths have been seen across all age groups, which Bridgen pointed out during his speech. He said, “We’ve experienced more excess deaths since July 2021 than in the whole of 2020. However, unlike during the pandemic, these deaths are not disproportionately among the old; in other words, the excess deaths are striking down people in the prime of life – but no-one seems to care. I fear history will not judge this house kindly.”
Excess deaths have been seen across all age groups
According to the British Medical Journal, “Excess deaths are calculated as the difference between current numbers of deaths and those in a baseline year, and the excess can differ depending on the baseline and methodology used.
”This important point on how the excess can differ depending on the baseline used, was raised by Bridgen. “To understand if there is an ‘excess’ by definition, you need to estimate how many deaths would have been expected. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development used 2015-2019 as a baseline… Unforgivably, the UK ONS (Office for National Statistics) have included deaths in 2021, as part of their baseline calculation for expected deaths – as if there was anything normal about the deaths in 2021 – by exaggerating the number of deaths expected, the number of excess deaths can be minimised. Why would the ONS want do that?”
A co-authored paper by Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Management at London’s Queen Mary University, revealed how the ONS had also been manipulating the data on deaths involving Covid-19 by vaccination status. The paper concluded that the ONS was guilty of ‘systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status’ and that the Covid-19 vaccines did not reduce all-cause mortality, but rather produced genuine spikes in all-cause mortality shortly after vaccination.
The ONS had been manipulating the data on deaths involving Covid-19 by vaccination status

Bridgen went on to highlight a critical failure in how data on deaths are being collected. “There is a total failure to collect data on deaths that are referred for investigation to the coroner. Why does this matter? A referral means that it can be many months and, given the backlog, many years, before a death is formally registered. Needing to investigate a cause of death is fair enough. Failing to record when the death happened is not. Because of this problem, we actually have no idea how many people died in 2021, even now. The problem is greatest for the younger age groups, where a higher proportion of deaths are investigated. This data failure is unacceptable.”
He also drew attention to the fact that in a judicial review on a decision to vaccinate younger children, the ONS shockingly refused in court to give anonymised, statistically significant details on the increase in excess deaths for young adult males observed in the second half of 2021. Bridgen made the point that potentially even more excess deaths would have been observed, if those referred to the coroner had been included.
In August 2023, 15 EU Member States recorded excess deaths. The highest rates were observed in Ireland (21.1%), Malta (16.9%), Portugal (12.7%) and the Netherlands (9.4%), according to Eurostat. As of January 2023, Portugal had the highest Covid-19 vaccination rate in Europe having administered 272.78 doses per 100 people in the country, while Malta had administered 258.49 doses per 100 people.
Bridgen stated that Dr Clare Craig, diagnostic pathologist and co-chair of HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Trust, set up by British medics and scientists to protect independent science during the Covid crisis), was the first to highlight the increase in cardiac arrest calls after the vaccine rollout in May 2021. He said: “Ambulance data for England provides another clue. Ambulance calls for life-threatening emergencies were running at a steady 2,000 calls per day until the vaccine rollout. From then they rose to 2,500 daily, and calls have stayed at that level since.”
Turning to international evidence, Bridgen reported: “An Israeli study clearly showed an increase in cardiac hospital attendances among 18-39-year-olds that correlated with vaccination, not Covid.”
He also explained that Australia was the perfect control group as it had almost no Covid when vaccines were introduced. “The state of South Australia had only had 1,000 cases of Covid in total across the whole population by December 2021, before [the variant] Omicron arrived. What was the impact of vaccination there? For 15-44-year-olds, there were historically around 1,300 emergency cardiac presentations a month. With the vaccine roll-out to the under 50s, this rocketed, reaching 2,172 cases in November 2021 in this age group alone, which was 67% more than usual.
“Overall there were 17,900 South Australians who had a cardiac emergency in 2021, compared to 13,250 in 2018, a 35% increase. The vaccine must clearly be the number one suspect in this, and it cannot be dismissed as a coincidence. Australian mortality has increased from early 2021 and that increase is due to cardiac deaths.
Australia was the perfect control group as it had almost no Covid when vaccines were introduced
“The regulators also missed the fact that in the Pfizer trial the vaccine was made for the trial participants in a highly controlled environment, in stark contrast to the manufacturing process used for the public – which was based on completely different technology. Just over 200 participants were given the same product that was given to the public, but not only was the data from these people never compared to those in the trial for efficacy and safety, but the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) has admitted that it dropped the requirement to provide this data. That means there was never a trial of the Pfizer product actually rolled out to the public, and that product has never even been compared to the product that was actually trialled.
“The vaccine mass production processes use vats of Escherichia Coli and present a risk of contamination with DNA from the bacteria, as well as bacterial cell walls, which can cause dangerous reactions. This is not theoretical; there is now sound evidence that has been replicated by several labs across the world, that the mRNA vaccines were contaminated by significant amounts of DNA which far exceeded the usual permissible levels. Given that this DNA is enclosed in a lipid nanoparticle delivery system, it is arguable that even the permissible levels would have been too high.
“These lipid nanoparticles are known to enter every organ of the body. As well as this potentially causing some of the acute adverse reactions that have been seen, there is a serious risk of this foreign bacterial DNA inserting itself into human DNA. Will anyone investigate? No they won’t.”
How ironic that the BBC has chosen to remain utterly silent on the issue of excess deaths, despite its daily coverage of the Covid death toll.
Many viewers of Bridgen’s speech took to social media to draw attention to the fact that the BBC plastered the debate with its own captions, in an attempt to contradict what the MP was saying. One caption read: “The NHS says Covid-19 vaccines used in the UK are safe and the best protection from getting seriously ill with the disease”.
What is interesting is that Bridgen did not mention vaccines and autism during his debate, but this did not stop the BBC from inserting the caption: “NHS guidance states vaccines do not cause autism, there is no evidence of a link between MMR vaccine and autism”.
The BBC plastered the debate with its own captions in an attempt to contradict the MP
It must be noted that the BBC helms the Trusted News Initiative, set up in 2019 to combat ‘anti-vax misinformation’ in real-time. Therefore, its collaboration with Facebook to censor stories on vaccine harms and the lack of any coverage on excess deaths and the more recent captioning of Bridgen’s speech, show just how effectively it has executed that role.
Andrew Bridgen closed the debate by stating: “The experimental Covid-19 vaccines are not safe and are not effective. Despite there being only limited interest in the chamber from colleagues – I am very grateful to those who have attended – we can see from the public gallery that there is considerable public interest. I implore all members of the house, those who are present and those who are not, to support calls for a three-hour debate on this important issue. Mr Deputy Speaker, this might be the first debate on excess deaths in our Parliament – indeed, it might be the first debate on excess deaths in the world – but, very sadly, I promise you it will not be the last.”

Dr Peter McCullough reported on 3 November that people “are walking around with Covid-19 vaccine in their heart muscle.”
Speaking to Real America’s Voice, he said, “We’re seeing a disturbing continued trend of cardiac arrests in people who have taken the vaccine.” Dr McCullough, a leading cardio-renal expert, highlighted a study from Dr Aram Krauson, which found mRNA in the hearts of people who died following a Covid-19 injection. Another study by Dr Rolf Shreckenberg showed that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are toxic to heart muscle cells as “mRNA forces…cells to produce a foreign protein.” Dr McCullough concluded that the vaccines “should be off the market completely.”
Biochemist and molecular biologist Dr Phillip Buckhaults testified to the South Carolina Senate on 12 September that in each dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine there are around 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA.
He said: “The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA. It’s not just mRNA…it becomes a permanent fixture.”
Dr Buckhaults recommended that vaccinated people be tested for plasmid DNA integrating into their genomes. “[The DNA] leaves a calling card. [If] you find it in stem cells it’s equivalent to finding a certain type of lead in someone who is dead, it’s pretty reasonable to assume that that’s what caused it.”
The UK Government will no longer publish deaths identified by Covid-19 vaccination status as of August 2023.
The Office for National Statistics’ reports included data that showed 95 per cent of Covid-19 deaths, in the year up to May 2023, were among the vaccinated. However, each subsequent report shows less data.
The December 2021 report calculated mortality rates among 10-14-year-olds, but the following February 2022 report contained zero data on deaths among children. The Exposé, which reported the news, claimed: “The UK Government… is stopping publishing further datasets because… they show the devastation Covid-19 vaccination has caused to the population.”