Regan King of Christian Concern addressed the politics of abortion

Regan King of Christian Concern addressed the politics of abortion

Day of prayer marking the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act, led by Intercessors for Britain, 21 October, Regent’s Hall, London

The day began with Dave Borlase, Director of Intercessors for Britain (IFB), setting out the biblical case for being strongly opposed to abortion and the need to speak out against it.

We had sessions of prayer about abortion in regards to the Church, the medical profession, the political arena and the media.

We also heard from Philippa Taylor, Head of Public Policy at Christian Medical Fellowship, who talked about the issues related to the medical profession and some of the moves to decriminalise abortion completely from that area.

Regan King, from Christian Concern, spoke to us about the issues in the political realm and Ruth Rawlins of Abort67 also shared news.

We had powerful times of prayer, crying to God to turn back this evil, but the battle is far from over. We must go on praying and speaking out on this issue, we must particularly awaken the Church to speak up for the unborn and their mothers.

With thanks to Dave Borlase, IFB’s Director