Prayer points for the National Day of Prayer on 16 September

Pray, in his mercy, that the Lord even now intervene to deliver us from evil and renew a right spirit within us.

Pray protection over the unborn.

Pray protection over the minds and hearts of our young, in both education and the media. Pray they be allowed to be children.

Pray that faithfulness to Christ is once again recognised and valued, and that the Lord raises up godly men and women to positions of influence and power.

Pray that our leaders be given wisdom and insight, courage to lead without fear, and strength to stand against all the tactics and
diversions of the enemy.

Pray that the eyes and ears of the lost be opened, so that they may know and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, and be saved.

Pray for ‘nominal’ Christians in this nation to encounter Christ and be awakened fully to truth.

Pray that the foundations of our society be renewed and reaffirmed, and that we recover the values of truth, honesty, justice, righteousness, purity, discipline, courage in the face of adversity, and steadfastness.

Pray that the Church be purified and become once again a moral compass and beacon to the nation, fearlessly proclaiming the Gospel and steadfastly upholding truth.

Pray that spirits of chaos and confusion holding the nation be bound, and that the Lord bring clarity and unity of purpose to our fatally divided land.

Pray that those who wish to suppress truth for their own ends be supernaturally stopped, and that the full truth be revealed.

Pray for the protection of the nation from acts of terrorism, and from all those plotting covertly to undermine and subvert us.

For more prayer points and details of the day, email

Other Points for Prayer

Israelis head to polls yet again

Amidst much political uncertainty, Israel will be holding its fifth election in three years, probably this autumn, following the collapse of its coalition government, with Foreign Minister Yair Lapid serving as caretaker Prime Minister until a new administration is sworn in.

Help stop Iran getting bomb, Hayley tells evangelicals

As President Biden seeks to negotiate a new nuclear deal with Iran, former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayley told the Christians United for Israel summit in Washington, “If America won’t [stop Iran] then Israel must – and we should help them.”

She added: “Iran will keep cheating to get what it wants. Anything [President] Joe Biden signs will all but guarantee that Iran gets the bomb. No deal is better than a bad deal.”

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