Digital Identity

Bible teacher Roger French told his prayer group: “Pray against the ‘back door’ implementation of digital identity through threat as credit and debit cards can be refused from yesterday without acceptable forms of identity being produced. This is part of the ‘Mark of the Beast’ set up being put in place by stealth by the globalists, led by Mark Carney, who is now a director of the WEF (World Economic Forum). An alternative credit card that will be accepted, according to Martin Lewis is the Amazon card, according to the Sunday Express on 13 March.

Online Safety Bill

While ostensibly a means of protecting children from harmful material, the Christian Institute is concerned that Ofcom and Big Tech companies could deem orthodox Christian teaching to be ‘harmful’.

Doctors and scientists who veered from the government’s official narrative on Covid-19 and the vaccines have already experienced censorship by YouTube and Facebook. This new bill would grant powers to non-elected officials to limit information, while promoting ‘trusted’ sources such as the BBC. See also UK Column’s 18 March 2022 broadcast.

Human Rights bill

The Together Declaration hosted a seminar on 2 March to discuss concerns over this bill, one of four proposed laws which Brian Gerrish of UK Column believes are laying the foundations for a dictatorship.