The tragic ship Exodus

By Jennifer Nevill

About 50 people travelled from far and wide to Little Stoke, Bristol to learn and to pray about various events relating to the history of Britain and Israel which will be commemorated in 2017.

In July and September in Haifa, Israel,70 years on, those Holocaust survivors who were on board the Exodus ship 1947 and their families will be remembering the historic and traumatic events relating to the ship. British Christians are invited to participate in these commemorations as an act of repentance for what our nation did.  

We heard from Rosie Ross of ‘Repairing the Breach’ how Jews who personally remember the Mandate years are currently telling and writing their stories, visiting Britain, and being welcomed by British Christians who are genuinely sorry about our past.

Hugh Kitson spoke about his new film showing the historical and legal basis for the current Jewish State. He also told the story of General Allenby’s troops peacefully taking Jerusalem in 1917. We were reminded of the importance of repentance in all areas of life by Sister Glory of the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary.

Lord Simon Reading spoke of his great-grandfather being in the Cabinet during the Mandate and of the preparations to give thanks for the Balfour Declaration in the Albert Hall on November 7. The day was coordinated and enabled by Jan Cooper who offers a multimedia presentation about the coming together of Jews and Christians around these issues at Haifa Port in May 2015. If you would like to know more about these topics or have the “Atlit Report Presentation” shown in your church/group please contact: