Discovering a common thread linking revival, Israel and President Trump

By Charles Gardner

South Africans were praying for rain from heaven on 24 March in Cape Town, on the back of a prayer meeting that drew 1.7 million Christians to intercede for their nation in April 2017.

Led by farmer/evangelist Angus Buchan, It’s Time will again petition God – not only for physical rain to end a crippling three-year drought, but for a Holy Spirit outpouring to end a famine of God’s Word in the land.

And God has promised to answer such a plea. Speaking to Israel, his chosen, he says: “I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground…” (Isaiah 44.3)

It is well to remember that this pledge was originally addressed to, and still specifically applies to, the nation of Israel. And it’s no secret that the Jewish state has been transformed from a barren wilderness to a fertile garden since its re-birth 70 years ago. And, yes, the promise for Israel can indeed be appropriated for Gentile nations who honour the God of Israel along with his special people, the Jews.

But pleas for rain from heaven will otherwise go unheeded as such blessing is dependent upon our first blessing his people (Genesis 12.3, Numbers 24.9). However, it will not come if we belatedly accept Israeli offers of help with water technology; it’s the ultimate water supplier we need to call upon in prayer and repentance.

The above scripture (Isaiah 44.3), promising heavenly outpouring on a thirsty land, once provided the inspiration to pray for revival in the Hebrides1 for two elderly ladies, who just happen to be grant-aunts of U.S. President Donald Trump.2 And I believe this has a direct bearing on the way the President has led the way in honouring Israel by recognising Jerusalem as its capital.

Blind 84-year-old Peggy Smith and her 82-year-old sister Christine, who was almost bent double with arthritis, pleaded day and night for God to fulfil his word, and the ripples of the subsequent revival of 1949-52 went all around the world.

Note that the Scripture verse quoted does not stop with the promise of water (both physical and spiritual), but continues: “I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.”

Not surprisingly, President Trump is proud of his Scottish heritage and has visited the Isle of Lewis where his ancestors helped to change the world for Christ.

God truly honours his word, and responds to faith in his promises. But please note the Zionist connection!

As I contemplated the gathering in Cape Town, city of my birth, I pictured the majestic mountainous landscape surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans – all that sea and yet no rain – and imagine the waves piled high to make way for the faithful to walk through in prayer and petition, rather like the Israelites of old passing through the waters of the Red Sea as Moses led them out of slavery towards the Promised Land.

Jews everywhere will be celebrating Passover this coming week, recalling how the angel of death ‘passed over’ their first-born, but did not spare Egypt’s sons, paving the way for their exodus as Pharaoh had his fill of plagues.

The Jews were saved, however, not just by the water that subsequently drowned the Egyptian army, but by the blood of the sacrificial lamb daubed on the lintels and doorposts of their homes.

Has South Africa – and its leadership in particular – not had its fill of plagues – of sin, corruption, poverty, violence, unemployment, disease and drought? The way out of this trap is the blood of the ultimate Passover Lamb, Jesus the Messiah, sacrificed on a hill outside Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, who said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no-one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14.6)

Fellow South Africans: mark your hearts with the blood of the Lamb, and He will send water on a thirsty land!

1A group of islands off the west coast of Scotland
2World Tribune, October 18, 2017 & October 20, 2017