Town-wide prayer hosted by New Life Church, Durrington, near Worthing, 18 May

Could God send revival to our town? Around 120 Christians from at least six Worthing churches believe that he can and met on a Thursday evening to pray. These meetings have taken place quarterly over the last couple of years at the Assembly Hall in the town but will now be every six weeks at a local church.

Prayer was made for our local authority, education, young people and Christian initiatives such as our local street pastors and Worthing Churches Homeless Project.

There was a tangible presence of God and people worshipped God with great freedom and passion. Perhaps it was not unlike Pentecost some 2,000 years ago when 120 people met to pray in an upper room in Jerusalem. Then the Holy Spirit came upon them, 3,000 people joined the Church, and a new boldness and passion ignited believers, causing the Gospel to explode around the world.

The evening was a small taste of heaven as believers prayed with a real sense of unity and purpose. Our broken and hurting world needs a revival. Will you and others in your church come and pray? Future meetings will be every six weeks.

Linda McCanna,
Coastlands Church

Thursday 29th June

Worthing Town-wide Prayer Meeting

7.30 pm New Life Church

10 Greenland Road, BN13 2JD

For more information telephone:
