AFTER 30 years, Prophecy Today, once Britain’s largest Christian magazine, has been relaunched online.

The inspiration came to Clifford Hill last year and he has assembled an editorial board who were all present at a launch event this April.

Guest speakers at the launch in the Salvation Army Hall in London’s Oxford Street were Wale Babatunde of World Harvest, author of several books including ‘Men and Women who made Britain great’ and Rachel Wagstaff of Christian Concern. Both spoke powerfully of the spiritual state of Britain today.

Clifford Hill explained that we are now in the time prophesied nearly 30 years ago at meetings on Mount Carmel and in Jerusalem; the key scripture from Haggai 2:6-7 foretells a shaking of the nations to prepare the way of the Lord. Since 1986 Dr Hill has been watching these prophecies, which included the foretold collapse of the Soviet Union, unfold in the nations. These prophecies, including one from the late Lance Lambert, can be read on the new Prophecy Today site.

Paul Szkiler of ‘A Call to Business’ spoke of an impending financial collapse that “could make 2008-9 look like a hiccup.” He referred to the seven year economic cycles reported in this paper earlier this year in accountant Grahame Scofield’s book review of ‘The Harbinger’. Mr Szkiler had built up a City asset investment company with £500 million under management, but, convinced that promissory notes would become worthless in the financial shaking, he sold the business to invest in ‘tangibles’ – property, grains, gold and silver. He also believes he was told to build an ‘ark of connectivity and interdependence’, as a time is coming when we will need to depend on each other.

Recent highlights from Prophecy Today:

A harvest from the Muslim world

Millions coming to Christ in Indonesia

Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks

A future and a hope? How to live in hard times

Christianity, Israel and the Jews: law and grace

Night is falling

Responding to replacement theology

How to weigh prophecy

Reviews of recent books by Canon Andrew White and Tom Wright