“Moral muddle”, “Prophetic dreams”, “Repent – or disaster”, & “After-effects”

Moral muddle

Our society’s moral standards are inconsistent.

On a recent hour-long BBC programme looking at the Online Safety Act, there were parents whose children had either committed suicide or had been murdered by people influenced by social media clips about killing.

Discussing how soon young people should get a phone capable of searching these ‘dark sites’, the bereaved parents suggested that 13 was too young.

If 13 is too young to see violent images, how can we credibly ask younger children about their sexual preferences?

Another inconsistency is that women who have a miscarriage can, if they want, obtain a certificate to provide some record of the ‘life’ of their child. This provides some comfort to those overcome by this tragedy.

So we acknowledge the lives of ‘miscarried children’ and at the same time approve the killing of the unborn.

David Hutcheson

Northampton, Northants

Prophetic dreams

With reference to the prophetic paintings by artist Julie Ann Scott (‘A storm is coming’, April/May), we had a dream in July 2017 about a storm, after which God led us to Ezekiel 13:10-13. This speaks of God’s judgement by means of a storm, which Lance Lambert also prophesied in1998.

We think it interesting that we had the dream about a storm six months after Julie Ann Scott had a word from God about it. At the time, we felt that we had been experiencing “the calm before the storm”, and that judgement has been coming because of ungodliness and attempts to divide the land of Israel and impose a peace settlement.

We also had a dream about God’s judgement on the UK in 2018, involving an angel with a sword, when we were reminded of the famous words from the song ‘Jerusalem’: “Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand”.

If readers would like copies of our prophetic dreams, please email us via www.heartpublications.co.uk.

Demo and Pam Nikiforos

(Contact via the HEART office)

Repent – or disaster

Rev Jennifer Abigail Lawson-Wallace, p15 (April/May) closes with 2 Chronicles 7:14: “IF my people repent …”

But the really prophetic message is the following verses: “But if not, DISASTER!” Have we repented?

The previous verse says, “When I send the plague …”

God sends all the plagues in the Bible, but in love his aim is always to bring repentance. There was little repentance after Covid. Instead, we had several Covid variants, then war in Ukraine, then inflation and the cost of living crisis, then war in Israel.

The Christian response is “Love your enemies … do not repay evil with evil.”

Wow, that is a challenge!

Tony Reynolds

Amersham, Bucks

Kate’s cancer

Like most people I’m saddened that our caring and hard-working Princess Kate has cancer – and at a fairly young age. Medical experts say that cancer rates have risen greatly in recent years and that half the UK population will suffer cancer during their life.

The authorities urgently need to look into the possible causes, including toxic chemicals and pollution of our air, food or water, and the ever-increasing plastic particles in our environment. Successive governments have disregarded the Bible instructions to look after the world that God created, and we are now paying the price.

A Wills

Ruislip, Middlesex


When the Covid vaccination was first issued I refused to have it and had no problems.

I recently heard that during a hip operation in December 2023 I had been given the Covid injection. The after-effects have been drastic; from being reasonably healthy for my age (93), I have been left with many problems, both physical and mental.

I have lost my mobility and am now bedbound and cannot sleep at night. Mentally I suffer from memory loss and confusion and find difficulty communicating and responding. Such is my existence now.

Patricia Nickson

Crawley, West Sussex

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