Prayer for Israel’s annual conference

Westminster Chapel, 7 June 2014

by Melanie Symonds

Although the day ’s main speaker was octogenarian Bible teacher Lance Lambert, there was a report on the spring Crossroads conference in Jerusalem (see June/July issue for testimonies) and a talk by an Israeli pastor from the Galilee, as well as prayer times. The Israeli pastor also showedpictures of Jewish and Arab believers worshipping together in their congregation. As one of thousands of Israeli ‘reservists’ who can be called up for active service even when family men in their 40s, he recounted being summoned to a military HQ to explain what he believed and what happened in his meetings; subsequently restrictions on believers in ‘Yeshua’ serving in the most sensitive and specialised units have been lifted as believers are seen as ‘responsible and reliable citizens’ who can be trusted to defend the state.

Lance Lambert was as warmly received as ever. He spoke of the“so-called peace process” as beinga “macabre dance of death” which had finally ended this year when the Palestinian Authority allied itself with the Hamas government of Gaza. He also spoke of the significance of the four blood moons, a ‘lunar tetrad’, which started at Passover this year and could be seen in the Middle East and will continue into 2015, each one at the time of a major biblical festival. Sadly there is not room here to give a fuller account. CDs of the event are available fromPrayer for Israel, as is Lance Lambert’s quarterly update CD.